Today is a bittersweet day as we say good-bye to summer and hello to fall. I have had an amazing summer with my family and friends, but I do so love fall and am anticipating lots of wonderful things to do in September and October. That is one thing I love about North Carolina... we have 4 beautiful seasons to enjoy!
I love my little pumpkin decoration for the door that I picked up last week. I have it on the back of my front door for all to see as they leave. I enjoy decorating for the different seasons.
This Labor Day weekend I have been busy working around my house. My husband left from work on Friday and headed down to visit our married daughter and spend the weekend with her. He helped her clean out her office and take some stuff to Goodwill. He always enjoys that Father/daughter time with her! He came home on Sunday afternoon and is here today, since he is off work.
I have not left the house since Friday, so I have gotten a lot done here. I am packing up the upstairs bedrooms and moving everything downstairs in anticipation of getting new flooring installed soon. What a job!!! I never knew anyone could accumulate so much stuff! My dining room looks like a flea market!! I am in hopes that when I move the stuff back into the bedrooms, that I can sort through some of this stuff and clean out a bit. In my older age, I am getting to the point where I don't want so much "stuff". I love my collections, but I don't want a lot of other stuff sitting around.
I haven't had a very exciting Labor Day, but it has been productive and I feel good about what I have been able to do. I have enjoyed my time at home by myself. I guess we all enjoy having "me time" every now and then.

My sweet little "Grand-dog" Chi Chi came to visit me on Sunday. Chi Chi is on the left and Adelaide's little dog, Holly is on the right. Aren't they sweet? They love sitting with each other in their beds. They take turns. One minute they are in Holly's pink bed and then another minute they have jumped over into Chi Chi's "mink" bed. They were so excited to see each other.
Lauren, Thomas and a friend of theirs drove up for the afternoon and evening to visit a friend who was here from DC. They all had dinner together at his parent's house and I babysat Chi Chi.
I loved seeing Lauren and Thomas, even if it was just coming and going. I never miss a chance to see my sweet daughter and son-in-law.
As I think back on my summer of 2010, I have many wonderful memories of happy times spent with family and friends. It was a laid back summer with many trips to the mountains and the beach. Adelaide was home with us all summer and that was such a blessing. I always enjoy having her home from college.
We enjoyed going to the beach music festival each week, watching TV together, shopping, eating out, talking and just hanging out. Although the weather was super hot and humid where we live.... thank God for air conditioning. Adelaide and I had a new favorite summer treat, a frozen yogurt shop, that we visited quite frequently. You select your yogurt ( 7 flavors) and then put all the fresh fruit and toppings on it that you want. Yum!!! Oh, the joys of summer.
I now am looking so forward to cool nights, crisp days, wearing sweaters, football games, pumpkin bread, apple pie, the changing leaves, pumpkins, scarecrows, etc. etc. Fall is a glorious time of year and filled with lots of activity. There is the anticipation of Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner!
I hope you all have a blessed Labor Day and a wonderful week ahead, enjoying this beautiful fall weather. Good bye summer! See you next year!!!!
Love & blessings,