My Mom had cataract surgery in early December and did not get along very well with her surgery. She never regained very much vision in the eye that had the cataract surgery. A week ago Thursday, she lost all vision in that eye and her doctor finally determined that she had a detached retina. Surgery was scheduled for this past Tuesday, January 26th. My sister came to be here with Mom and Dad, so that I did not have to lose time from work during the day. Thanks Cecelia, I was so glad that you could be here! I helped out in the evenings after work.
Mom had her surgery on Tuesday and it took almost 3 hours! The doctor could not promise that her vision will be restored, but we are praying that she will regain her vision in that eye. It all depends if there was any nerve damage to her eye. After having her surgery, the doctor classified Mom's problem as a giant retinal tear.
Mom still drives and my Dad does not, so it would be a really big lifestyle change for them if she does not get her vision back. I have really been lifting up prayers for her that she will regain her vision. My Mom is so independent and it has been hard for her to be the patient this time. She so loves to take care of everybody else in our family, not us take care of her. Mom loves to write cards and letters to friends and family and that is her ministry. Right now she can't see well enough to read or write.
It is so difficult to see my parents aging and needing more and more help with everyday things. I am so thankful that I am here for them and can help as much as I am able. Mom has not had the energy to do as much around her house as she usually does, so I have been helping her with household things. They are hoping to stay independent as long as they can and I am trying to help them as much as possible. I have been working full time since August 2nd, so I have felt a bit stretched recently.
Today I felt bad that I got short with my Dad when I took him out to lunch. I thought I had left the handicapped placard at home and he got real upset with me and couldn't understand why I had left it at home. I snapped back at him and told him that I had my hands full and could not remember everything. I was doing the best I could. I actually felt like crying, but I didn't. My sweet Dad, who would never have said anything like that, is changing. His personality is not what it used to be and it is heartbreaking to see the gradual changes over the past 6 months.
I have so many good friends who are also experiencing the same things with their parents, so we are trying to help support each other. I don't mean to sound like I am complaining, because I thank God every day for the time I have had with my parents. I have 2 wonderful parents who have meant the world to me and still do!!! They provided a very loving home and we have always been very close. I could not ask for any better parents or Grandparents to my children!
I guess all of you who have aging parents would agree that it is hard to see them get older. As adult children, we begin to take on the role of the parent and the parents act more like children. There is such a role reversal. I try not to let it bother me, but at times it is hard not to. I am typically a very patient person, but sometimes it is hard to be patient with them.
Right now I am trying to balance my time and there just does not seem to be enough hours in the day. We are in the midst of a snowstorm tonight. I spent the morning cooking and getting food fixed to share with Mom and Dad. I took Dad to lunch, but Mom did not feel up to going out today. I ended up letting Dad run errands with me this afternoon to get ready for the snowstorm and he enjoyed being out and about. Mom enjoyed the peace and quiet at home.
I am planning to hibernate in this weekend (since we are supposed to get up to 8 inches of snow) and try to get some things done around my house. With Mom having her surgery on Tuesday, I have not been home one night this week until tonight. I am a bit tired, but a weekend of rest and relaxation at home will be wonderful!