In July, we spent a week at Kure Beach, North Carolina (near Wilmington) and had the most relaxing vacation. The weather was perfect!

We stayed at my cousin's beach house.

This is the guest cottage. Isn't it the cutest little house?

Here is a picture of the upstairs TV room.

I love this shower. And the bathroom is huge!!! The windows look out onto the ocean!

There is a lot of art in the house, but this picture is my favorite. I love these ladies in their "old timey" bathing suits.

This is a cottage that sits behind my cousin's house. I just love this cottage!

This is the boardwalk that runs along the edge of the beach. You can walk on the boardwalk all the way to the pier. At night it is lit up.

This is an old fishing pier that is right down from the house.

Adelaide and Tom out on the boardwalk walking down to dinner. Isn't the sky pretty?

Holly went with us to the beach. This is her friend, Mr. Turtle!! Our canary, Sunny, even went with us on vacation. Sunny loved watching the seagulls at her perch by the windows. I forgot to take her picture.

Dinner out. Who wants to cook on vacation?

We spent our days chilling out on the beach reading books, taking walks and people watching! The weather was gorgeous!

I love watching the seagulls. This guy was enforcing the laws!!!

I loved feeding the seagulls. All you have to do is throw out a bit of food and they all come swooping in to get their share.

This is a view underneath the pier.

I couldn't resist taking a picture of this sand sculpture that we saw when we were out walking one day.

Adelaide and Tom getting ready to walk to dinner.

Checking out the fishermen on the pier. We loved walking out on the pier after dinner.

These big pelicans were all over the end of the pier waiting for people to give them fish. They were so much fun to watch.

I love turquoise, so this was one of my favorite houses in the neighborhood.

I thought these houses were real pretty too. There were so many colored houses at this beach.

This is the local park at Carolina Beach (next to Kure Beach). There are paddle boats to ride. On this day, we went down to a Farmer's Market/Craft show. There are musical events held at the park during the week and they even show outdoor movies on Sunday night.

Lauren and Thomas came down to join us for the last weekend we were there. They were on their way for a week of vacation with their friends, but we enjoyed having them with us for the weekend. I love my daughter and son-in-law!

My 2 Lilly girls!!! We were waiting to catch the ferry at Fort Fisher to ride over to Southport to eat dinner. I am so blessed to have such beautiful and sweet daughters!

The cars drive onto the ferry for the ride over the river to Southport. The seagulls follow the ferry as it crosses. We got out of our car and walked around to enjoy the scenery.

This is another ferry that we passed en route. They go back and forth about every 30 minutes.

We are all wearing our Lilly today. Any clue as to whether we love Lilly? It was a bit windy. Excuse our crazy hairdos!!

This is our favorite place to eat at the beach. It has been written up in Southern Living and lots of other magazines. It looks like a fishing shack and the part where you sit and eat is out over the water with open sides. The food is so good!!!

Provisions is famous for their shrimp and crabcakes! A bit messy, but delicious!!
As you can see, we had the most amazing week at the beach! We didn't do a whole lot, but that was the beauty of the trip. We just enjoyed our lazy days on the beach and our time together as a family. We enjoyed eating out, watching movies in the evenings, working a 1,000 piece puzzle and just being together! We all got some much needed rest and relaxation and made some wonderful memories!