Don't you just love weddings? This past weekend, Adelaide and I attended a beautiful wedding at this adorable church in Banner Elk, North Carolina. Banner Elk is in the Blue Ridge mountains. One of Adelaide's girlfriends was getting married.
I loved the view of the church from the parking lot. There is a huge butterfly garden, then a row of hydrangeas and the church in the distance, with a gorgeous Carolina blue sky. It could not have been a prettier day for a summer wedding!

There were butterflies everywhere in front of the church in the butterfly garden. So pretty!!!

As we approached the church, a bicycle built for two was parked outside. It was decorated with white balloons. A bicycle built for two was also printed on the wedding invitation.

Don't you love the JUST MARRIED sign on the back of the bike?

There were 2 of these beautiful wildflower arrangements on the doors of the church. There is a wildflower farm somewhere in the area that the family got the wildflowers for the wedding. You get to go and pick your own wildflowers to use in the bouquets, etc. I think that is such a neat idea.

On the ends of the rows of chairs in the sanctuary were Mason jars filled with wild flower arrangements. That was such a cute idea!

I loved the windows in the church. They were so pretty!

Here are 3 of the bridesmaids. I really liked their dresses. You can see their pretty wildflower bouquets.

The bride and groom. I caught them in a serious pose. The groom is Canadian, so they will be moving to Canada.

I loved the little bride and groom figurines. They are so cute!!!

Adelaide and some of her girlfriends posing with the bride and groom. Adelaide is in the pink dress standing next to the groom. All these girls were in high school and Young Life together. And the bride, Sara
Katelin, is the first girl in Adelaide's age group to get married.

This is Adelaide and her friend, Sarah Kathryn. They were roommates in college their sophomore year and they are sorority sisters (Kappa Delta). I love their Lilly dresses!

This is Adelaide and me with our dear friend
Sherian! I am wearing my Lilly dress too. My girls and I love Lilly.

The happy couple leaving the church after the wedding and the reception.

Congratulations and best wishes to Sara
Katelin and Randy! Best of luck as you start your life together in Canada! May God bless your marriage.
As you can see, we had a wonderful time at the wedding. It was fun for Adelaide to see old friends from high school. I spent the weekend with my sister and also got to spend time with my sweet parents. Adelaide enjoyed time with her girlfriends over the weekend. It was a gorgeous weekend, but the weather was extremely hot for the mountains. In fact, Saturday's high temperature set a record.
I hope you enjoyed the wedding pictures. I always love attending weddings and this one was so special. The bride's father is a minister and he married them.
Love & blessings,