Blogger wanted this picture first, so I am not going to argue. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my beautiful Lauren! Your birth was a joyous occasion for me and your wedding was an equally joyous event too!! You were a radiant bride and I loved every minute of your special day. As I saw you walk down that isle in the church, I remembered so vividly the joy I had on the day you were born. I was one happy Mama that day!!!! You were so tiny and sweet with that head full of dark hair and those pretty blue eyes. You melted my heart the first time I saw you!

Twenty-seven years ago today I became a Mom and my precious Lauren was born!!! I had always dreamed of becoming a Mom and my dream came true with the birth of my first born child. I was so happy!!!! Lauren has been (and still is) the JOY of my life!

Happy Birthday, Lauren! I love you and you have made me very proud. I am so happy to be your Mom! We have had some great times together and I look forward to many more wonderful times together in the future!
Lauren is a very smart young woman and she will go far in this world. She has a Master's degree in accounting and works for a large accounting firm here in NC. Lauren has ALWAYS been very independent and strong-willed, so it was quite a challenge raising her. She never gave us a bit of trouble, but she was just so headstrong and she usually knew more about things than I did. Lauren's mind is like a sponge and she remembers everything that she reads. One hint... don't try to argue with her, because you will never win!
To tell you how independent she was, she taught herself how to ride a bike. We came home from the mountains one Sunday and on the way home, she asked me if Tom could take off her training wheels when she got home. She immediately rode the bike, just like she had done it all her life. She taught herself to tie her shoes too, and would not let me help her at all. I guess she just watched other people. Then instead of letting me potty train her, she just got up one day and told me she was ready to wear "big girl" pants and she wore them from then on! She also walked at 9 months old! Lauren was a very determined little girl and still is to this day, which a wonderful trait. It will suit her well in life!!! Love you sweet girl!!!
Lauren was always very grown up and she was way beyond her years in everything she did. She kept me on my toes, but I would not have had it any other way. Lauren is a delightful young woman with a big heart and a love for life. She puts 100% into everything she does and she always does her best.
I could not have made it through my cancer experience without her. She helped keep me strong and she was my encourager. Lauren kept friends and family updated on my progress via the

Here are my two beautiful daughters with my Mom. Please remember Mom as she has her eye surgery today on Lauren's birthday! I pray that her surgery goes well.

Lauren and Adelaide are the joys of my life. Being a Mom was the highlight of my life and I loved staying at home with my girls when they were young. I have so many wonderful memories of times spent with my girls.
As they have grown up, I now am their friend as much as I am their Mom. We love doing fun things together..... going shopping for Lilly, getting manicures and pedicures, going to Barnes and Noble, traveling together, going out to eat, laughing and talking, etc.
As I'm sure you all have figured out by now, I am head over heals in love with both of my girls and I would do anything for them. I treasure all the time I have with them.
Lauren, I hope you have a wonderful day, despite the fact that you have to work today. I know Thomas will have something fun planned for you tonight. I'm sorry I can't be with you today, but you will receive your second birthday surprise in the mail today. I'm glad you enjoyed your first surprise I sent the other day. You know how much I always love celebrating birthdays. We will just have to have a belated celebration with cake and
ice cream when we are all together later in October.
Enjoy your special day and know that I love you very much!!!!
Love & blessings,